Every tester must strive to become a technical tester. Testers must have critical thinking ability and approach projects in unconventional and out of the box ways. This does not happen in a single day, hence we should prepare ourselves on a daily basis, to become a technical tester. Software testing training could be a huge ...
We at QC more software testing training center believe that Quality and Speed should always go hand in hand and this paves the way to assure the quality of the application. For the same reason, leading companies in the domain of Software development and software testing in Kochi and across the world now implement the ...
Software testing is a perfect context where prevention is definitely better than cure. Software testing and thus software testing training is essentially a part of the quality control that detects bugs and errors in the software and prevents its malfunction. The cost of prevention is so much lesser than that of malfunction and crash, in ...
Until not so long ago testing was a part of the software development cycle and developers would perform it as part of the development process. However in the recent times, software testing has been recognised as an independent activity that is not performed by the developers themselves, but rather by professional software testers, to avoid ...
Software testing is a process used to identify the correctness, completeness, and quality of developed computer software. In simple words, software testing is an activity to check whether the actual results match the expected results and to ensure that the software system is defect free. To implement this process a qualified and trained Software tester ...
Like any other domain Software testing is also evolving a lot from the past. There are some myths about software testing as a career, It was considered as a mechanical and boring job and also it was considered as a secondary job but now it has changed and many aspiring youths is taking it as ...
CSTE Certified Software Tester This certification certify that the person is qualified Software Tester and is aware of the testing principles and practices. This will open the channel to become a member in the accepted professional group which in turn will help in the career advancement. Prerequisites CSTE To qualify for candidacy, each applicant must ...